Maqmat 34: Of Zabîd
Iraq, 1256-1257 AD
(3:05 min.)

The Painting
al-Wasiti, The Thirty-Fourth Assembly, Called “Of Zabîd.”, Manuscript folio // Ink and opaque watercolour on paper // 370 x 280 mm, 1236-1237, Iraq.
Cite This
Connell, Shanelle (Researcher, Scriptwriter, Voiceover, Storyboarder, Audio Editor, Image Editor, Animator, Coder). “Multimedia: AMaqmat 34: Of Zabîd” November, 2017.
Dr.F.Steingass. The Assemblies Of Al Hariri. Royal Asiatic Society, 1898., pp 62-71.

Grabar, Oleg. The Illustrations of the Maqamat. University of Chicago Press, 1984, pp 83-85.

James, David. "Space-Forms in the Work of the Baghdād "Maqāmāt" Illustrators, 1225-58." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 37, no. 2 (1974): 305-20., pp 306-307

GUN Z, SULTAN, MP3, n.d.,